5 Tips for Finding a Job in the Senior Years

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Securing Jobs for Seniors in Green Valley, AZ

Working post-retirement is a great way to pad a fixed income, and it can also give seniors a sense of purpose and allow them to maintain robust social lives. However, age can sometimes affect a person’s overall marketability. Green Valley home care professionals share 5 tips your senior loved one can use to show employers he or she is well capable of handling the positions he or she applies for.

1. Be Tech-Savvy

One of the biggest misconceptions about the aging demographic is that seniors are not up to date concerning the latest technological advancements. Encourage your caregiverone to sign up for free software classes, coding workshops, and Internet marketing courses. Your loved one should then add these accomplishments to the top of his or her resume to ensure these skills stand out.

2. Create a Professional Development Plan

Hiring companies are also convinced aging adults have reached their individual peaks in terms of industry-specific and independent learning. As a result, they don’t often view senior talent as being an asset that will increase in value over time. In addition to technical learning, your loved one should have a solid professional development plan for continuously expanding his or her skills across all areas. Encourage your loved one to enroll in management or team leadership courses where he or she can pick up industry-specific skills that will make him or her more valuable and viable in the workplace.

3. Test the Waters

Your loved one shouldn’t pass up part-time positions or internships because they offer the chance to see how well he or she fares in a bustling workplace and which types of positions work best for him or her. Once your loved one clearly outlines his or her goals and abilities, he or she can start targeting higher-paying positions with greater responsibilities.

4. Show Employers Age Is an Asset

Although being older can make your loved one less marketable in certain environments, it can also make him or her infinitely more valuable in others. Your loved one should outline a few ways in which age has made him or her a more seasoned, responsible, and patient person, then highlight these attributes in interviews and his or her resume and cover letter.

5. Stay Flexible

Your loved one might want to pursue a specific niche or a specific role within this niche. Staying flexible increases the range of options that are available to your loved one and may even help him or her find an age-appropriate position. Adaptability is an attribute seniors are not often credited for having. Your loved one needs to show potential employers that he or she can thrive in any environment and with any range of responsibilities.

Finding a job in the senior years can be challenging without access to transportation. At Embrace In-Home Care, our Caregivers are available to drive your loved one to important appointments, and they can also assist him or her with bathing, grooming, and other tasks that could make it easier to find work. In addition to respite and live-in care, we also offer comprehensive Parkinson’s, stroke, and dementia care Green Valley, AZ dementia care Green Valley, AZ, seniors can count on. For more information, please call (520) 625-2050 today.


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