7 Common Fears for Seniors

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Most Common Fears for Seniors in Green Valley, AZ

Growing old is a natural part of life, but it can also be stressful. We often find our senior loved ones harboring fears about the future that most of us cannot relate to.

Living alone at home in the golden years can present a few unique challenges. Trust in Green Valley home care professionals to help your senior loved one maintain a higher quality of life while he or she manages an illness and performs the daily tasks of living. There are many ways to help your loved one if he or she is experiencing one or more of the following fears.

1. Loss of Independence

One of the leading fears for seniors is loss of independence. Seniors may find it difficult to drive or challenging to walk without the help of a walker or wheelchair. They may also face difficulty in keeping up with daily tasks such as cooking, cleaning, and hygiene. You can help your loved one fight this fear by encouraging him or her to perform tasks independently and allowing him or her to make as many decisions as possible.

2. Death of Other Loved Ones

The longer seniors live, the more loved ones they are likely to lose. Seniors often worry about the loss of family members, especially their spouses. They may also fear losing close friends, siblings, and sometimes even adult children who are also reaching their senior years. While you can’t completely reassure someone when it comes to death, you can talk to your loved one about it and make plans for what will happen after he or she loses a loved one. For example, if your loved one’s husband dies, she may want to move in with one of her children or move to a smaller home if she fears taking care of the house on her own.

Seniors who are managing the loss of a loved one may need someone to talk to and share their feelings with. For families living in Green Valley, AZ, respite care can be a wonderful solution when their aging loved ones need companionship and socialization a few hours a week or just need minor assistance with daily household tasks. At Embrace In-Home Care, we thrive on helping seniors maintain their independence while living in the comfort of home.

3. Failing Health

As seniors age, they become susceptible to diseases ranging from cancer to Alzheimer’s. It’s only natural for them to worry about what would happen after receiving such a diagnosis. Encourage your loved one to find a doctor he or she trusts and make regular visits. Many debilitating diseases are manageable when caught early. To stave off diseases, you can also encourage your loved one to eat healthy, exercise, and cut down on bad habits like smoking and alcohol consumption.

4. Running Out of Money

Another major fear among older adults is running out of money, since most of them are retired. If this is your loved one’s fear, help him or her out with financial planning for the future. Set a budget. If your loved one is capable, encourage him or her to take on a part-time job to make a little extra cash.

5. Boredom

For many seniors, getting bored in their later years is a concern. After a lifetime of working and raising a family, they often retire and live alone. Encourage your loved one to stay active, take up a new hobby, or volunteer. Many senior centers, churches, and parks offer activities for the elderly. Take your loved one to a few senior centers in your community to see what they are offering.

6. Loneliness and Isolation

Boredom and loneliness often go hand in hand. Retirement, death of a spouse, children and grandchildren growing up, and close friends with poor health can be the norm during the golden years. If your loved one fears isolation, encourage him or her to be social. Take your loved one out to lunch or for a stroll in the park when possible. Encourage the grandchildren to visit. There are many ways to ensure your loved one does not stay alone at home every day.

7. Having to Leave Home

Your senior loved one has probably spent years building a life in his or her home. However, with age, around-the-clock care may be needed. Reassure your loved one’s fears by helping him or her find ways to continue living at home for as long as possible. This may mean anything from installing ramps and handrails in the home to hiring an in-home caregiver.

If your elderly loved one needs help maintaining healthy habits, consider hiring a professional home caregiver. Green Valley families can rely on Embrace In-Home Care to provide dedicated and compassionate in-home caregivers who are trained in our holistic Balanced Care Method, which was designed to encourage seniors to exercise often, eat nutritious foods, maintain strong social ties, and focus on other lifestyle factors that promote longevity. To learn about our holistic approach to home care, call one of our friendly Care Managers at (520) 625-2050 today.


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